/ | \
B C -F D-E
Case 1:
A go
/ | \
BNgoC -F D-E
| Ngo Ngo
G go
A nogo
/ | \
B go C -F D-E
| go go
G nogo
Every node can go or nogo
go => vlaue = node.rating;
nogo => value = 0;
2. Implementation
// time :O(2^n) // ArrayListlistOfStrings = new ArrayList<>(list.size()); // listOfStrings.addAll(list); public List guestList(Node[] nodes) { List maxlist = new ArrayList (); int maxSum = 0; for (int i =0 ; i < nodes.length; i++) { List list = new ArrayList (); int sum = FindMaxRating(nodes[i], list); if ( sum > maxSum ) { maxSum = sum; maxList = new ArrayList (list); list = null; } } } private int FindMaxRating(Node node, List list) { if ( node.children == null) return Math.max(0, node.rating); else { int childrenSum = 0; for ( Node c: node.children) { childrenSum += FindMaxRating(c, list); } int grandChildrenSum = node.rating; for (Node c: node.grandchildren) { grandChildrenSum += FindMaxRating(c, list); } return Math.max( childrenSum, grandChildrenSum ); } }
// Time:O(n) public ListguestList(Node[] nodes) { int[] MC = new int[nodes.length]; for (i = nodes.length-1 ; i>=0; i++) { if (nodes[i].children == null || nodes[i].grandChildren == null) MC[i] = Math.max(0+ node.rating, 0); else MC[i] = Math.max( node.rating+ sumOfAll(node.children), 0 + sumOfAll(node.grandChildren) ); } return MC[0]; } private int sumOfAll(Node[] children) { int sum = 0; for (Node c: children) { sum+= c.rating; } return sum; }
// Time:O(2n), n is the number of nodes typredef struct Node { int rating; int *parent, *leftChild, *rightSibling; int sel, unsel; int go; } Node; typedef struct stack { int *top, *base; int stackSize; } Stack; void traverse (Node *T) { Stack s; s.top =1; Node *r; r = T; while(top != -1 || r != null ) { s.top++; *s.top = r; while( r.leftChild != null ) // add { s.top++; *s.top = r.leftchild; r = r.leftChild; } r = *s.top; // pop s.top--; // if (r.leftChild == null) // check if leave { r.sel = r.rating; r.unsel = 0; } else // not a leaf { r.sel = r.rating + sum( j.unsel ); r.unsel = sum ( max{ j.unselect, j.sel} ); } r = r.rightSibling; } } void find_the_list(Node *T) { Node *r, *s; r = T; if ( r == null ) return ; else if ( r.parent == NULL ) { if ( r.select > r.unselct ) r.go = 1; else r.go =0; } else { if (r.parent.go ==1) r.go = 0; else { if ( r.unselect < r.select) r.go = 0; else r.go = 1; } } r = r.leftChild; s= r.rightSibling; find_the_list(r); find_the_list(s); // Print out those go ==1 }3. Similar Ones
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