Tuesday, October 20, 2015

[Tree traversal]


while ( root != null || !stack.isEmpty())
       if ( root != null )
            root = root.left;
       else // root ==null
            root= stack.pop();
            root= root.right;

while (root!= null || !stack.isEmpty())
        if (root!= null)
             root =root.left;  
        else // root == null
               root = stack.pop();
               root = root.right;

TreeNode pre = new TreeNode();
while (root != null || !stack.isEmpty())
       if (root!= null)
              root = root.left;
       else // root ==null
              TreeNode peekNode = stack.peek();
              //while (peekNode.right != null && peekNode.right != pre)               
              //peekNode.right == null;
              if ( peekNode.right != null && pre != peekNode.right)
                     root = peekNode.right;
              else { //peekNode.right ==null
                     //root = pre.right;
                     pre = peekNode;
  1. peekNode.right != null, right has a chilren, traverse first
2. pre!= peekNode.right, already traverse right children, traverse me parent(root) now

public List<Integer> inorderTraversal (TreeNode root)

             List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<Integer>();
             TreeNode cur = root;

             TreeNode pre = null;

             while (  cur != null )
// root is NULL
                      if (cur.left == null )
                                cur = cur.right;
// root is not NULL
                                pre = cur.left; // next level’s left
                                while (  pre.right != null && pre.right != cur  )
                                       pre = pre.right;
                                if (   pre.right == null )
                                          pre.right = cur;
                                          cur = cur.left;
                                          pre.right = null;
                                          cur = cur.right;

             return res;

Preorder Method3: Iterative, Morris, Time:O(n) ,Space:O(1)
public List<Integer> preorder(TreeNode root){

       List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<Itneger>();
       // validate the input
       if (root == null)
             return res;

       TreeNode cur = root;
       TreeNode pre = null;//your children
       while (cur != null){

              if (  cur.left != null ){
                         pre = cur.left;
                        while( pre.right != null && pre.right != cur)
                            pre = pre.right;
                         if ( pre.right == null   ) // cur is root, so add
                                       res.add(cur.val);// case1: root, case2:left subtree last teo node
                                        pre.right = cur;   // case1: root is left subtree’s right-most node’s children
                                         cur =cur.left;
                                    pre.right = null;  // case2: left -most right (originally is left subtree last two )asisgn null
                                   cur = cur.right;// case2:cur =  left subtree last two node
                }else { // cur is leaf, add
                         res.add(root.val); //case4: the left-most node
                        cur = cur.right;     //case4: its parent, left subtree’s last two
PostoIrder MethodIter3:Iterative, Morris
public List<Itneger>postorder(TreeNode root)

                List<Integer> res=  new ArrayList<Integer>();
                //validate the input
                if ( root == null)
                     return res;

             TreeNode cur  = root;
             TreeNode pre = null;

             while (  cur != null  )
                      if (  cur.left != null )


public List<Integer> inorderTraversal(TreeNode root)
              List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<Integer>();

              // validate the input
             if (root == null )
                      return res;

            helper(root, res);

            return res;

private void helper(TreeNode root, List<Integer> res)

          if (root == null)

          helper(root.left, res);
          helper(root.right, res);

public List<Integer> preorder (TreeNode root){
       List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<Integer>();
      // validate the input
      if (root == null )
          return res;


     return res;
private void helper(TreeNode root, List<Integer> res){
     // Base case
    if ( root == null )
         return ;
    helper(root.left, res);
    helper(root.right, res);

public List<Itneger> postorder(TreeNode root)
           List<Integer> res=  new ArrayList<Intger>();
        if (root == null)
               return res;
       helper(root, res);       
private void helper(TreeNode root, List<Itnger> res)

      // Base case
      if (root == null)

      helper(root.left, res);
      helper(root.right, res);

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